Camp Burton Volunteer Sign-up
Serving at Camp is a great way to use your God-given gifts to advance the Kingdom of God and it is a great blessing and encouragement to the Camp staff!

Upon receipt of your completed form, we will keep you informed of upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Thank you for helping us further our mission of sharing the Gospel and to make Camp Burton a fun place to Explore, Engage, and Experience Jesus.

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Name (first and last) *
Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Email *
Cell Phone *
Church *
Skills and Interests (check all that apply)
"Other" Skills and Interests Explained
Background Release Permission
I give Camp Burton permission to order a background/consumer report on me from Datasource, Inc. ("Datasource), 1200 NW South Outer Road, Suite 319, Blue Springs, MO 64015, (877) 577-3832, a consumer reporting agency, in connection with your application for volunteering. 

If you are hired or already volunteer for the Company, it may order additional consumer reports on you from Datasource. The consumer reports may contain information concerning your character, general reputation, personal characteristics, credit standing, and mode of living. To the extent allowed by the law, the reports may contain information regarding: public records; driving records; verification of your prior employment, licenses, credentials, and education; credit reports; government watch lists; address history; Social Security number validation; and other background checks.
Signature: *
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