Open University Space Society                          Membership Application
The Open University Space Society was established to bring together OU students, alumni and staff with an interest in any area of space; including but not limited to such areas as space engineering, astronomy, law, policy and astrophysics. The aim is to provide peer support and an active community for students studying space and astronomy based modules at all university study levels, connect those with an interest in any element of space and publicize events and opportunities that are available to OU students from within the wider space community.

The group is open to all without discrimination and welcomes new members. You don't have to be studying a space related subject, we welcome students from all study areas. All you need is an interest in any element of the subject and a desire to become part of the OU space community.

Submission of this form constitutes application for membership and signifies acceptance of the Open University Code of Conduct for members

The Code of conduct is available at:

Should you have any questions or comments regarding this application or your membership please contact us at:

For more general enquires get in touch with us at:

Your membership confirmation and society communications such as the quarterly newsletter and event information will be sent from the above emails, you may need to check your 'junk folder' to make sure you get our messages. Information will also be released on social medias and through our website.

 Currently the society is active on the following social media channels:

Twitter: @space_ou
OU Society Forum (Open University Account Required):

Please follow and share to raise awareness of the society. The various social medias are a great way to get involved with the society, talk to other members and keep up to date with Society events!

Membership information provided below will be kept securely and will not be passed on to any external or third parties without explicit permission from yourself.  
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Contact Phone Number (Optional):
Please select your OU associate status: *
Please select your current OU Geographical Region:
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Please select your areas of interest:
Please select Activities that you would be interested in: 
Additional Comments or Suggestions:
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