Genealogy Tea Time: A 250th Discussion - Lord Dunmore's War - Regional Impacts & Resources for Research
Join the SAR Genealogical Research Library & Archives on the third Saturday of the month (October 19th) for another special Genealogy Tea Time! This month we recognize the 250th anniversary of Lord Dunmore's War. This conflict, from May through October, 1774, involved many settlers and indigenous groups throughout the Ohio Valley. While not officially part of the Revolutionary War effort, this War affected the social and cultural climates of the region - thereby impacting the Western Campaign once the American Revolution picked up steam. For this discussion, we welcome all interested parties to chat about the events, people involved, impact on the region, and resources available to research your ancestor's involvement. If you had ancestors that settled in the western region: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky - you won't want to miss this discussion! October's Genealogy Tea Time event will take place via Zoom and is free for all to attend. Pre-registration is required. 

The Genealogy Tea Time events are designed to brainstorm our experiences and brick walls - usually centered on a designated topic, but all research questions are welcome! Let the genealogy hive mind help you find the right resource to solve your family history mysteries - while sharing inspiring stories along the way! In order to best help the group, we encourage researchers of all expertise levels to attend so we can learn from each other. 

Event Date & Time: Saturday, October 19th, 2:00-4:00 PM EDT
Location: Virtual via Zoom - instructions for joining will be included in the registration confirmation page, and a reminder email with the instructions will be sent out the week of the event. 
Cost: FREE

For those who cannot attend, the event will be recorded and placed on the SAR YouTube Channel: 
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