KantCon Conduct Reporting Form
Please use this form to report any behavior you have witnessed or been the recipient of which you believe violates our Code of Conduct policy.   The policy can be found on our website: https://www.kantcon.com/event-conduct 
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When did the behavior you would like to report take place? *
Where did the behavior you would like to report take place?
Please provide us with a description of the behavior you are reporting along with any details which you are both comfortable sharing and believe will help in our investigation into the reported behavior. 

Providing additional details will not only strengthen your case but also facilitate the process of corroborating the incident. Merely relying on unverified statements is inadequate for taking action. The information submitted here will remain confidential and will not be shared with any person(s) not in a position to make a decision directly related to your report. 

If you would like to provide a way for us to contact you you may do so here by providing us with a Discord ID, email, or phone number through which we can contact you.
If you wish to maintain complete anonymity, please consider the option of creating a temporary email or other account.  This will improve our ability to conduct a thorough investigation and provide support for your claim. Any information shared here will be limited to that which is necessary to make an informed decision on the matter in question.
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