Jacksonville International Airport Passenger Survey
As Jacksonville International Airport (JAX)  prepares for travel to resume, it is important to have a full understanding of what passengers and local communities expect from an operational and customer experience perspective in a post COVID-19 world. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us.

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In the last 12 months, how many trips did you take that required air travel?
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What is your age?
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 What is your gender identity?
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How would you describe yourself when it comes to your reasons for air travel?
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When traveling by air, I most often:
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In planning for your next trip, where are you likely to gather information about health-related travel guidelines and procedures? (Check up to three)
How do you expect to pack for future trips?
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How do you expect to travel to and from the airport for your future trips?
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Where do you expect to park your car at the airport?
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Do you expect you need to arrive at the airport earlier to accommodate for any new physical distancing requirements or screening procedures?
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Within the airport facilities, which part of the journey do you think has the highest risk of coming into contact with germs or viruses? (Check up to 4 areas)
Which is more effective for communicating operational changes, like line locations, parking information, and health travel requirements, to passengers while in the airport terminal? (Check only one answer)
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How often should airport janitorial staff clean restrooms and other public areas?
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What types of services do you expect an airport to have open when you travel next? (Check all that apply)
What is the best way for airport restaurants to promote physical distancing? (Check only one answer)
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Which answer below best conveys how you would feel about seeing airport workers wearing personal protective equipment, like masks, gloves, or face shields? (Check one answer)
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I trust the airport will take the necessary precautions to help ensure my health and safety while in the airport.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Passengers should adhere to physical distancing requirements throughout the airport, including the security checkpoint line, the boarding area, restaurants and bars, and retail locations.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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It is important that all airports follow the same public health guidelines regardless of local requirements.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Passengers should provide their own face mask if required during their journey.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Airports are actively considering a full range of strategies to promote physical distancing, sanitation, cleanliness following the coronavirus health pandemic.  Please rank the following five strategies from 1 (most important) to 8 (least important).
The airport should increase hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the airport.
The airport should provide fewer seating options to enable physical distancing.
The airport should make investments in “touchless technology” to decrease my need to touch things in the airport.
The airport should adhere to physical distancing requirements for passengers waiting in lines to enter facilities or in boarding the aircraft.
The airport should limit the number of people allowed in a terminal at one time.
Airports should requires staff to wear face masks.
Airports should install physical barriers at public counters, like plexiglass guards.
Passengers should have their temperatures taken when entering the terminal.
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