Open Letter to AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler
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We, the undersigned unions, labor leaders and activists, urge the AFL-CIO to call an emergency labor conference in support of reproductive justice. Nationally, reproductive rights are in a desperate condition. It is imperative that we never return to the days of back-alley abortions, and organized labor has a unique and critical role to play in preventing this.

In the short time between the Texas ban implementation (September 2021) and when the U.S. Supreme Court abolished the right for people who can become pregnant to control their bodies (June 2022), Planned Parenthood health centers in states surrounding Texas saw a 550% spike in patients from Texas compared to the previous year.

The inability to control whether or not to bear children impacts all working people. The same forces attacking reproductive rights are also seeking to destroy our unions. Numerous labor bodies have passed resolutions and issued statements pledging to defend these basic rights.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s attacks on abortion, bodily autonomy, and LGBTQIA+ access to health care impact the majority of young workers and the 50.04% of the workforce that is female (Time Magazine, 1/16/2020), with the heaviest burden falling on workers of color. These are the very workers who are waging militant strikes as nurses and educators and union drives at Starbucks, Amazon, and in the fast food industry.

A national labor conference can help unite us in the struggle for social and economic justice. It can bring together union activists in a concerted effort to discuss and plan for action to fight for reproductive justice and bodily autonomy. The AFL-CIO has the influence to encourage organized labor to take a stand on this urgent issue and the resources to educate labor colleagues on how to join with our communities to build a movement.

We suggest holding this conference in a state where abortion has been banned or is facing threatening legislation. This would send a message to these communities that labor will stand with them.

Labor is in the most powerful position to mobilize thousands of workers in defense of this fundamental right. We look forward to hearing from you and planning next steps.

Yours in struggle and solidarity,

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Signers to date:


ACT-UAW Local 7902
Alphabet Workers Union
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587

American Federation of Government Employees Local 3197
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Council 28
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Council 57
AFSCME Local 88
AFSCME Local 2428
American Federation of Teachers Local 1931
Boulder Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Colorado State AFL-CIO Convention 2023

Communication Workers of America Local 7800
Cornish Federation of Teachers AFT Local 4169
Graduate Researchers United AFSCME 402
Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Central Labor Council
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 11
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 46
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 520
Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO
Minnesota Nurses Association
National Organization of Legal Services Workers, UAW Local 2320
North Bay Labor Council
Office & Professional Employees International Union
OPEIU Local 8
Oregon AFL-CIO 2023 Convention
Rutgers Adjunct Faculty Union, PTLFC-AAUP-AFT
SMART Local 33

Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD)
UAW Massachusetts CAP Council United Auto Workers Local 2110
United Auto Workers Local 2324
United Auto Workers Local 4121
Washington Federation of State Employees Local 304
Washington State Labor Council - passed by statewide convention 

Non-AFL-CIO unions supporting the call for a labor conference on reproductive justice
Service Employees International Union 1021

Labor Groups

A. Philip Randolph Institute Seattle
AFSCME Retirees Chapter 57 (Northern California), Chapter 97 (Arizona)
Coalition of Labor Union Women (national)

Coalition of Labor Union Women TX
Electrical Workers Minority Caucus, Austin Chapter
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement - Pacific Northwest Chapter
Labor for Black Lives
Newark Education Workers (NEW) Caucus
Oregon Coalition of Black Trade Unionists

Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS)
Pacific Northwest Labor History Association
Portland (Oregon) Jobs with Justice
Rosie's Machinists 751

SafeWork Washington
South Texas Electrical Workers Minority Caucus
United Association for Labor Education


BKForge-Brooklyn For Reproductive and Gender Equity
Democratic Socialists of America - Denver Chapter
Downtown Women For Change, NYC
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice
Freedom Socialist Party
National Organization for Women - Georgia, Illinois, Columbia SC, Central Phoenix AZ
Men for Equity and Reproductive Justice
Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America
Movement for Choice
Radical Women - U.S.
Reproductive Justice Maryland
Thomas Merton Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Whittier Pride

Selected individuals
Judy Beard, APWU,* Legislative & Political Director • Mary Brauchi, IBEW 429 Vice-Pres, Pres of EWMC chapter, NAACP* • UnoBlessed C. , Exec Director Indiana AFL-CIO , UAW member* • Frank Hammer, UAW-GM International Representative, retired • Ursulla Idleman, President, AFSCME 5700* • Charley Jackson, Organizer, Hoosier Heartland Area Labor Federation* • Tony Kushner, Writers Guild of America, East* • Sara Nelson, International President, Association of Flight Attendants - CWA* • Adam Ritscher, Former president, United Steelworkers 9460* • Alan Sheehan, IBEW 617 President* • Tina Turner-Morfitt, Chapter President, Oregon Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Full list of signers here

(Non-AFL-CIO locals are welcome to modify the letter to send to their own International unions urging them to work with the AFL-CIO on an emergency conference. If your union writes a separate letter, please send a copy to
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