Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument
Dear teacher,
This instrument is prepared to measure your science teaching efficacy beliefs*. The instrument contains a number of statements. You will be asked what you yourself think about these statements. Please evaluate each statement considering the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement  (SD=strongly disagree; D = Disagree; UN = Uncertain; A = Agree; SA=strongly agree).
Please be aware that there are no right or wrong answers. Your opinion is what is wanted.
Also note that the following information will be kept strictly confidential and that providing us with your personal data is voluntary.
Thank you for your participation.

Daylighting Rivers Team

* In Riggs, I., & Knochs, L. (1990). Towards the development of an elementary teacher’s science teaching efficacy belief instrument. Science Education, 74, 625-637.
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Please select the option that best represents your thinking about the statements below considering your teaching area.   *
1. When a student does better than usual in science subjects/math, it is often because the teacher exerted a little extra effort.
2. I am continually finding better ways to teach my subject.
3. Even when I try very hard, I don't teach science subject/math as well as I do most subjects.
4. When the science subject/math grades of students improve, it is most often due to their teacher having found a more effective teaching approach.
5. I know the steps necessary to teach science subject/math concepts effectively.
6. I am not very effective in monitoring scientific experiments.
7. If students are underachieving in science subjects or math, it is most likely due to ineffective science subject/math teaching.
8. I generally teach science subject/math ineffectively.
9. The inadequacy of a student's science subject/math background can be overcome by good teaching.
10. The low science subject/math achievement of some students cannot generally be blamed on their teachers.
11. When a low achieving child progresses in science subject/math, it is usually due to extra attention given by the teacher.
12. I understand science subject/math concepts well enough to be effective in teaching elementary science subject/math.
13. Increased effort in science subject/math teaching produces little change in some students' science subject/math achievement.
14. The teacher is generally responsible for the achievement of students in science subject/math.
15. Students' achievement in science subject/math is directly related to their teacher's effectiveness in science subject/math teaching.
16. If parents comment that their child is showing more interest in science subject/math at school, it is probably due to the performance of the child's teacher.
17. I find it difficult to explain to students why scientific experiments work.
18. I am typically able to answer students' science subject/math questions.
19. I wonder if I have the necessary skills to teach science subject/math.
20. Effectiveness in science subject/math teaching has little influence on the achievement of students with low motivation.
21. Given a choice, I would not invite the principal to evaluate my science subject/math teaching.
22. When a student has difficulty understanding a science subject/math concept, I am usually at a loss as to how to help the student understand it better.
23. When teaching science subject/math, I usually welcome student questions.
24. I don't know what to do to turn students on to science subject/math.
25. Even teachers with good science subject/math teaching abilities cannot help some kids learn science subject/math.
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