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Registration to Nordic Conference for Cultural Journals, Bergen 2022
Place: Litteraturhuset, Bergen, Norway
And digitally on the Coeo plattform:
Wednesday May 25 - May 26
Please fill in one registration per person
The conference is free of charge.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Name of the journal / organisation
Your answer
Postal adress to the journal / organisation
Your answer
Web adress for the journal / organisation
Your answer
Short description
Your answer
Editions per year (not web journals)
Your answer
Name of the participant (only one name per registration)
Your answer
Mail adress
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
Your answer
Physical or digital only participation?
Physical (continue with the rest of the questions below)
Any diets or allergies?
Your answer
Do you need accomodation? (The conference is paying for accomodation)
Tuesday May 24
Wednesday May 25
No accomodation is needed
Are you two persons who like to share room? Please write the name of the other participant.
Your answer
Extra notes?
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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