Fragrance of the Lotus Year-Long Immersion Advanced Study & Teacher Training Application
Please complete all required fields in the application. If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact us at:
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Your Birth Date + Time + Place *
Telephone *
Emergency Contact Information *
Why do you wish to participate in the Fragrance of the Lotus Year Long Immersion & Teacher Training? *
What is your current relationship with NeoTantra? What do you love about it? What frightens you about it? *
Have you studied NeoTantra before? If so, where? With whom? For how long? *
What topics do you wish to focus on in your exploration of NeoTantra? *
Do you have any physical or emotional health issues that would prevent your full participation in the Fragrance of the Lotus Year Long Immersion & Teacher Training? *
Have you completed the pre-requisites for the training? 

1. The Be Fully Alive Weekend Immersion will be offered in Los Angeles, California, September 17th-18th, 2022. 

2. The Sex Actualization Video Immersion is available online. 

You can register for these programs on our website:
Do you understand that the Fragrance of the Lotus Year Long Immersion & Teacher Training is an advanced training, and is demanding on many levels including, but not limited to; time commitment, financial commitment, emotional development, self-awareness, working with others, working with a team, spiritual development and sexual development? *
Fragrance of the Lotus will be held in Southern California. You must be present for all 4 modules, from beginning to end. Arrival is 4:00 - 6:00 pm on the first Friday of every module. Departure is 1:00 pm on the last Sunday of every module. Please commit to these dates:
It is required that all Fragrance of the Lotus participants be "off the grid" during each module of the training. This means cell phones and laptops in Airplane Mode. You'll be given an emergency contact telephone number and e-mail address you can share with family, friends and colleagues so they can contact Dawn Cartwright immediately should any emergencies arise. 

Do you have systems and arrangements in place to meet this request both personally and professionally? What would make this experience, not only easy, but enjoyable for you? Do you have support? (An assistant? Virtual assistant? Online booking system? E-mail "away" message?)  

Do you agree to be "off the grid" during all four modules?
How do you manage stress? What will you bring along with you to support yourself emotionally during the training? (Hiking shoes, a journal, your special herbal tea . . . ?) *
Do you currently teach NeoTantra? If yes, for how long and what style(s)? *
Do you feel you have adequate resources to give the Fragrance of the Lotus Year Long Immersion & Teacher Training your focus and attention for the duration? Because of the intense transformative nature of the program, it is not recommended to commit to addition trainings or programs during the immersion.  *
What challenges or frightens you about this program? Are there any obstacles within yourself or in the scope of the training that you'd like to explore? *
Is there anything more you'd like us to know about you and your quest? *
An integral part of the learning experience will be centered around Dawn Cartwright's private Facebook Groups. Are you open to participation in these groups? *
Please schedule your final interview with Dawn now via this link: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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