Adoption Application
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Which cat/kitten are you interested in?*
Last Name *
First Name *
Address *
Email *
Phone *
Best time to contact *
Do you live in a:
Do you own or rent?
Are there any pet restrictions? *
Property owner/manager Name, Phone#, and email address
Do you plan to move in 6 months?
How long have you lived at this address?
Who will be the primary caregiver/supervisor of this cat?
Whom are you adopting this cat/kitten for?
Occupation *
Employer *
Work Phone
Spouse's Occupation
Spouse's Employer
Spouse's Work Phone
Why do you want to adopt a cat and this specific cat? *
Veterinarian Info
*SCRF will need you to call your vet for permission to release your records.  Not doing so may delay the adoption process.* 
Name of person on account at vet's office
Veterinarian Name and Phone # *
Do you currently have any pets?
Dog or Cat?
Please list the names, ages, and how long you owned each pet you CURRENTLY own and if an alternative vet then listed above *
Please list the names, ages, and how long you owned each pet that is NO LONGER WITH YOU and list vet visited if different than above *
Are you interested in a pair of cats/kittens? *
Have you ever adopted a pet before? *
If so, from what organization or individual?
What is your pet experience? *
Where will your new cat live? *
Do any members of your household have known allergies to cats?  
How will you handle your cats scratching needs?
Do you plan on declawing your new cat? *
Under what circumstances would you need to surrender/return your new cat?
What behaviors do you consider a problem and how would you handle them? *
Should your new cat have any behavior problems, are you willing to work them out and call SCRF for help?
Are there any major changes planned for your household in the next year? *
If yes, please explain:
Please list all members including yourself of the household: Name + DOB *
If you are adopting with a partner (or roommate) who will keep the cat should you split up/move out? *
Are there children not mentioned above that visit frequently? *
If yes, what are their ages?
What will happen to this cat/kitten when you go on vacation or if you have an emergency? *
How many hours a day (average) will your cat/kitten be alone? *
Have you thought about the initial and future costs for your new cat/kitten? *
Do you have the time and interest necessary for proper introduction into your house and to other pets? *
Do you have the space to isolate the cat for 7 to 10 days while s/he becomes familiar with you and your home? *
Please describe area:
Would you object to follow up calls and/or home visits? *
Do you agree that your new cat will see a licensed veterinarian for a complete veterinary exam annually and follow-up with all inoculations as recommended by a licensed veterinarian? *
Please list two personal references. Include: Name, Home Address, Phone # *
I hereby authorize the Stray Cat Relief Fund and its representatives to obtain any and all veterinary information regarding pets I currently own, or have previously owned, as may be required for approval of this Application for Cat Adoption. *
By typing your name and date here, you are certifying the above statement. *
We reserve the right to decline any application for any reason without notification.  Potential adopters will be contacted within 2 to 10 days of submission.   We are currently accepting PayPal and Venmo for the adoption fees. You will need a carrier to bring your new pet home! Any questions can be emailed to us at  
Thank you for applying!
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