Kingston Farmers Market 2024 Volunteer Interest Form
Our 7th season of Kingston Farmers Market (KFM) kicks off in 2024.  For our market to continue to grow and flourish, we need volunteers! If you are looking to get involved, please fill out this form.

Thank you for our interest in our community organization!

*Please note, you do not need to be a Kingston resident to volunteer!*
Email *
Name (first and last) *
Email *
Street Address (street/town/zip) *
Phone Number *
Are you interested in being on our Board of Directors?
Please check all roles you are interested in.
KFM is looking to expand its produce offerings, food truck bookings, entertainment, and kids' activities. Please indicate if you are interest in any of the committees/roles listed. Check all that apply.
Are you interested in helping out during market hours? (Our market runs once per month, May - October from 10-2.  Vendor set up begins at 8:15am.) 

Check all that apply.
How much time are you looking to invest in the market?  
Clear selection
Are you a high school student looking to satisfy a community service requirement?  (We are happy to help!)
Clear selection
We want to hear about you! Do you have any special skills you want to share with the market?
Do you have any ideas or visions for the market you hope to achieve by volunteering?
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