About the OrganizationEmerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP) is a national network for early and mid-career philanthropy professionals. EPIP is comprised of 14 member-led chapters around the country, which are supported by staff at the National office. Each chapter is led by a Steering Committee (also known as Chapter Leaders) who host professional development and networking events in their region and build the field in the spirit of EPIP's mission and vision.
About the Chapter Steering CommitteeThe Steering Committee is an opportunity for emerging philanthropy professionals to have a more active leadership role in the sector, to expand their network, and to connect with other professionals for peer learning and support. While all Steering Committee members are involved in shaping the direction of EPIP Bay Area, they are elected to focus areas, including Executive, Communications, Finances, Mentorship and Programs.
Ideal Steering Committee Member
If you're interested in joining
- You currently work in the philanthropic sector.
- You share a commitment to EPIP values, mission, and vision.
- You can dedicate an average 3-4 hours per month to chapter meetings, events, and responsibilities (time commitment can vary each month and depends on specific tasks and positions undertaken)
- You have attended at least two in-person or virtual EPIP events within last two years (e.g. National Conference, chapter events, etc.)
These are not requirements to become a steering committee member but ideally you bring some of these experiences and qualities to the steering committee.
Steering Committee Expectations:- Serve on the Steering Committee for at least 1 year
- Become a dues-paying EPIP member (staff who work for an Institutional Member qualify); if this is a concern for you, please contact us at bayarea@epip.org
- Participate in monthly 1 - 1.5 hour virtual meetings on a weekday evening
- Attend as many chapter events as possible (how many events we plan depends on Committee capacity- we aim for at least one event per quarter)
- Plan at least 1 chapter event each year, and assist events planned by other Committee members (i.e. logistical support, outreach, and attendance)
- Serve as ambassadors for EPIP in your networks and the social sector
- Recruit new members to chapter and Steering Committee to ensure chapter sustainability
- Work independently and collaboratively outside of regularly scheduled meetings to complete tasks related to agreed-upon goals of the Committee
- Respond to Committee emails ideally within 2 business days when response is requested
Steering Committee Areas of WorkTime commitment is 3-4 hours per month, which includes the monthly 1 - 1.5 hour meeting; commitment can vary each month and depends on specific positions undertaken and chapter event attendance.
- Executive (Chapter Co-Chairs): Lead the Chapter Steering Committee; oversee and support focus areas; facilitate meetings; represent chapter at National level; liaise between National and other chapters; align chapter with Strategic Plan.
- Communications: Increase visibility of chapter and organization through web, email, and social media; curate relevant news, resources, events in the field, and jobs for bi-monthly newsletter; oversee publicity for chapter events; transcribe meeting minutes; build chapter institutional memory; manage NationBuilder database with Membership.
- Finances (Treasurer): Oversee chapter finances; maintain budget; track expenses, revenue, and reimbursements; identify new revenue opportunities; secure event sponsors with Partnerships and Programs.
- Programs: Plan, implement, and evaluate programs and events aligned with the Inclusive Leadership Framework (e.g. networking socials, article clubs, salons, panels, funder briefings, conference calls, webinars, trainings, mentorship, peer learning circles, community service); coordinate with Communications to publicize events; secure event sponsors or partners with Finances and Partnerships.
- Mentorship: Oversee our mentorship program for emerging philanthropy professionals that launched in 2019.
Recruitment Process- Submit an Interest Form: Interest Forms are due Friday, January 17th.
- Meet with a Current Member: Interested individuals will be invited to meet with a current steering committee member. This will be an opportunity to learn more about your interests and answer your questions.
- Decisions: We will notify applicants of their status by mid-January.
- Orientation: We will conduct a Visioning Session to plan the next year’s programming and welcome new Chapter Leaders. This meeting will be in person in January/ February likely hosted in Oakland.