2024: Request for Instrumental, Voice and Speech & Drama Lessons
Please ensure you have read the ‘Itinerant Performing Arts Handbook’ information booklet before completing this form.

One form per student please.

The Itinerant Performing Arts Handbook can be found here:
2024 Parents Itinerant / Performing Arts Handbook

An Indexed Booklet with Biographies for each Itinerant can be found here:
2024 Itinerant Bio Book

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Parent/Caregiver name *
Important Information Regarding Lessons - Please Read
Teacher preference/choice may not always be possible.

Please note that you will be contacted for lessons to start within two weeks of the closing date or two weeks from when the form was submitted.

Enrolment is conditional on your school account being up to date.

4 weeks’ notice prior to the end of the term is required for students withdrawing from lessons.

Itinerant teachers will charge for 4 weeks’ lessons in lieu of notice.

The parent/guardian submitting the form gives a commitment to abide by the conditions of tuition described there, and to pay fees for your child’s lessons. Individual lesson fees range from $32-$39 + GST, Group range from $15 - $25 + GST.  Please note, not all itinerant tutors are GST registered.

Student's must commit to being present at all lessons as timetabled, practicing regularly and playing an active role in the music groups when able.

Please note, students are only allowed two sessions during class time during the week - a third class will need to take place before/after school or during break time.

Please see the handbook with rules with regards to Year 0 - 2 and what instruments they are eligible to learn. Please note Students can enrol for Speech and Drama from Year 3.

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