The State Council on Developmental Disabilities Outreach Application

Thank you for your interest!

The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) seeks individuals interested in joining the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) or its Regional Advisory Committees (RACs).

SCDD serves people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.

Apply to the California State Council- what does that mean?

It means:

  • The Governor makes all State Council appointments.
  • A time commitment of 10 to 15 hours a month to Council activities, including bi-monthly meetings in Sacramento and some virtual meetings on zoom.
  • Your expenses for accommodation, meals, and travel are reimbursed, and a $100 stipend is provided to you after for each meeting.
  • If you are recommended by the Council, you will need to complete an additional online application with the Governor’s Office, which can be found at the following link: Governor's Office Application

Apply to a Regional Advisory Committee- what does that mean?

It means:

  • Regional Advisory Committee members are appointed directly by the State Council.
  • These committees advise on local issues and needs.
  • A time commitment of 2 to 6 hours a month.
  • Your expenses are reimbursed, but no stipend is provided.

IMPORTANTYou can apply to both the Council and RAC but you can only serve on one at a time.

Applications are always welcome, though there may not be a vacancy/opening at the time. Applications will be reviewed as openings arise.

If you have any questions or would like to request help to complete an application, please use the following link to contact SCDD: Membership Application Help 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
County of Residence
Email *
Phone *
I am:
This information is not required but is appreciated, as SCDD will use demographic information for research and statistical purposes. This information will not be shared outside of SCDD.
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What intellectual & developmental disabilities do you have experience with?
Check all that apply (Please specify if you select "Other")
I am a: *
Check all that apply
Are you currently employed by, or a member of the governing board of an organization providing services to persons with developmental disabilities? *
If yes, which board or organization are you employed by?
Do you want to serve on the State Council or Regional Advisory Committee? *
How did your interest in, or knowledge of, the developmental disability field and service system develop? *
What are your areas of interest in the developmental disability field and service system? *
Please explain why you wish to serve on the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, or on one of its Regional Advisory Committees. *
What strengths would you bring to the State Council and/or Regional Advisory Committee? *
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