Apply for enrollment or renew your participation in our Bikeflights Industry Employee Program (IEP) by watching the videos in each section below and answering the associated quiz questions.
Your results will be calculated and provided to you immediately upon completing all modules. A "passing" score for renewal or enrollment is 100%, and you will have the option to review and correct any wrong responses. Bikeflights will then follow up within three business days and provide you with additional information about the Bikeflights IEP and how to make the most of your discounted shipping with Bikeflights.
To participate in Bikeflights IEP, you must have your own Bikeflights account. If you don't already have one, please
create an account using your work email address, and enter that email address below so that we can find your account in our system.
Helpful hint: To watch each module's embedded video in a larger format in a new window, simply click on the title before it starts playing, or click on the "YouTube" text after it starts playing.