Invite Governor Hogan to a Town Hall Meeting
Dear Maryland residents: We invite you to join a group of concerned Marylanders who are sending an invitation letter to Governor Hogan to participate in a Town Hall meeting. We hope to have 500 signatories on the letter to Gov. Hogan. If you would like to be a signatory, please submit your name and address on the form below. Your information will be kept private and will only be used in the letter to Governor Hogan.  If you have any questions, please contact Julie Greenberg ( The invitation will read as follows:

We, the undersigned Maryland residents, request that Governor Hogan participate in a Town Hall meeting in Montgomery County in September 2017. We are concerned Maryland residents who have become increasingly disturbed about the impact on Maryland of the new administration in Washington. The Town Hall meeting is an opportunity for Governor Hogan to explain how he will work to ensure the continued vitality of the Affordable Care Act, how he will continue to support the cleanup of the Chesapeake Bay and address other environmental concerns in the light of federal budget proposals, and how he will protect our communities in the face of the administration’s actions and statements on immigrants, refugees, and Muslims.  We request that Governor Hogan address in a Town Hall meeting the impact of a variety of federal policies on Maryland’s prosperity and the health and well-being of its citizens.
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