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2018 Exhibition Open Call
We are looking for proposals for full exhibitions to host in our 900-square foot gallery at 145 W 14th St. We are looking in particular for proposals that support Babycastles' mission to increase the diversity of voices in games culture and to present games in a shared communal and artistic context. That said, we show a wide variety of artistic disciplines in our space and many times in the past we have curated games to go along with non-game work to produce fun collaborative exhibitions. We're interested in these kinds of proposals too. For examples of exhibitions we've hosted in the past, check out: https://babycastles.com/Work

Exhibitions at Babycastles typically last between 2 weeks and 2 months and take over our walls and 6 custom arcade cabinets. Since we also function as an event space we support talks, performances, workshops and other gatherings as part of the proposal as well.

Please fill out the form below by Monday, February 5th and join us in 2018!
Name *
Email *
Description of Exhibition *
Describe the artists involved and what the space would look like
What kinds of support do you need from Babycastles to make this happen? *
We can support in terms of volunteers, tech setup, materials and more. Let us know what you'll need.
Links to Example Work *
Curator/Organizer Info *
What is your connection to the work being shown? Will their be other organizers working with you?
What games might the exhibition show? *
Or would you like Babycastles to curate games alongside the exhibition?
Will there be any events tied to this exhibition?
Select which (if any) months in 2018 you WOULD NOT be able to put on this exhibition
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