RSVP REQUIRED: Low Tide Walks @ Night 2025
Monday January 27th (PROGRAM FULL, WAITLIST ONLY) & 
Tuesday February 25th (PROGRAM FULL, WAITLIST ONLY)

For the safety of everyone, PLEASE DO NOT COME if you do not receive an email prior to the walk confirming your participation.

Please bring: headlamp/flashlight, boots/shoes with good traction and waterproof for walking on uneven terrain and slippery rocks. Meet at North Beach County Park.
The program is free and open to all (until capacity) but we gladly accept donations. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our continued permission to host this event at the park after-hours in the dark depends on us being good neighbors and not disturbing the neighborhood. 
Thanks so much for helping out by carpooling, picking up any trash you make, and keeping our volume down as much as possible. We will close RSVPs and open a waitlist once capacity has been reached.

Questions? Fill out the bottom of the form, or email program lead Carolyn at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
January 27th program is currently full - check the box if you would like to be added to the waitlist in case space opens up
The February 25th program is currently full - check the box if you would like to be added to the waitlist in case space opens up
Your Name: *
Your email: *
Email permission: *
How many in your group, including yourself? *
Optional - how did you hear about this event?
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Do you have any questions about the program?
Thank you for filling out this form! We will send a reminder before the program and will use the email provided in case of cancellation due to bad weather etc. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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