Via Colori® Stafford 2024 Major Sponsor/ Nonprofit Booth Form
We are currently seeking nonprofit and community organizations to participate in the 4th annual Via Colori® Stafford, a two-day street painting festival and celebration of the arts. Nonprofits, community agencies, and Major Sponsors are invited to set up a canopy and table at no charge. This is a unique opportunity to share information and services with our community at this annual event that attracts thousands.

You may provide literature and giveaways, and are encouraged to bring an interactive activity with which to engage attendees. Sales of products and services are prohibited.

Event Details:

What: 4th Annual Via Colori® Stafford Street Art Festival , where 75 artists create large-scale street paintings while attendees observe the artistic process, enjoy live entertainment and kids' activities, and visit food trucks.

When: Saturday, September 28 - Sunday, September 29, 10:00-5:00 both days*

Nonprofit exhibitor times: 10:00-5:00 Saturday, 10:00-3:00 Sunday. Participation on both days is highly encouraged but not required. Vehicles for pickup and drop-off are only allowed in exhibitor/event area before 9:00 on Saturday and after 5:00 on Sunday.

Where: Stafford Regional Airport

Address: 95 Aviation Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Why: To celebrate the artistic process while supporting our community.

*If weather is inclement on 9/28, Via Colori® Stafford will be a one-day event on 9/29.

A Via Colori® Stafford committee member will be in touch to confirm your participation. Submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance. Please contact with any questions.
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Email *
Point of contact name *
Mobile phone *
Nonprofit/organization name *
Description of organization *
Website URL *
Facebook and Instagram social media handles *
Which day(s) will you be attending? *
Saturday only: No vehicles allowed in the exhibitor/event area at takedown. Sunday only: No vehicles allowed in the exhibitor/event area for setup. 
What will you be providing? Check all that apply. *
Please link to proof of non-profit status or email it to
Please read and acknowledge the following terms and conditions by checking each box. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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