4-H Macomb Project Award - Seniors
The Macomb 4-H Project Awards are designed to provide 4-H members with recognition for their project achievements. Project Awards are given to signify a job well done, encourage youth to strive for more, and to reward youth for successfully overcoming obstacles along the way. Effort, willingness to learn, and personal growth experiences are considered desirable qualities for projects. Youth must complete the following application in full to be eligible.
     Project Awards are awarded in every 4-H project area.
     Each project area award may be received only once per division.
     The deadline to apply for a County 4-H Project Award is 11:59pm on September 30.

Age Requirements
     Any 4-H member between 4-H ages 16-19 who has completed at least two (2) years in the project area (this year plus one consecutive or non-consecutive year) is eligible to apply for a project award.

Delegates Receive
     Up to five (5) delegates will be selected for each project area. All delegates will be recognized at the awards and recognition event. Each delegate will receive a certificate of recognition.

Awardee Receives
     One (1) award winner will be selected per project area from the delegates. The awardee will be recognized at the awards and recognition event and will receive a certificate of recognition, project pin and cash award.

     Members should read all instructions carefully before starting.
     It’s your story! The awards program is designed to provide 4-H members with recognition for accomplishments youth are already making in their project areas.
     Before you begin, review your 4-H Record Books, past calendars that indicate 4-H meetings, activities and workshops attended and any other resources that might be helpful.
     Information presented on the Macomb County 4-H Award application should be factual and concise. It should be an organized presentation of what you have learned and done in your 4-H project(s).
     Use correct grammar and spelling – you are representing yourself! Proofread your work.

Application Instructions
     Complete all 7 sections to the best of your ability.
     Pay attention to the maximum amount of words for each section of the application.
     Indicate the project area for which you wish to be considered.
     Submit by 11:59pm on September 30. Late entries cannot be accepted.
     Consider applying for a State 4-H Award! Now that this application is complete, you have a great start for the State 4-H Awards application process!
     Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified of their status. All delegates are invited to attend the 4-H Awards and Recognition Event. Invitations will be mailed out in October.

Sections for scoring are as follows (Scoring Rubric can be found here:) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NbNzJFMB8uI7toFihczwk1WJURYi1lNU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109458895125696709230&rtpof=true&sd=true 

Your 4-H Story (4 Points)
Project Knowledge and Skills (4 Points)
Use of Project Knowledge and Skills (4 Points)
Life Skills (4 Points)
Use of Life Skills (4 Points)
Leadership Experiences (4 Points)
Community Service/Citizenship Experiences (4 Points)
Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, & Spelling (4 Points)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
4-H Life Skills Wheel
County 4-H Project Award Areas
Clothing and Textiles
Community Service
Companion Animals - Dogs
Companion Animals - Cats
Companion Animals - Pocket Pets, Fish, Reptiles, etc.
Dairy Cattle
Environmental & Outdoor Education (Outdoor Adventure Challenge)
Food & Nutrition
Global & Cultural Heritage
Llama (including alpaca)
Performing Arts
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
Shooting Sports
Veterinary Science
Visual Arts (Includes crafts, woodworking, and fine arts)

Section #1
County 4-H Project Award Area
County 4-H Project Award Area *
Pick one:
First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
I was a registered 4-Her in the previous year: September 1 - August 31 *
Primary 4-H Club *
4-H Leader *
Section #2
Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 1,500 words.    
My 4-H Story *
 Your 4-H Experience and Impact Story adds warmth and depth to your application. Be creative and personal but avoid being “cutesy.” The 4-H Story should help the reader learn about your 4-H experience; it should answer questions such as:► How did you get started in 4-H?► What have you done? Describe your project involvement.► What workshops and trainings have you attended?► How has your project or group expanded in size or scope since you began?► What makes your project involvement stand out from other members? What sets you apart?► What have you done that other members have not?► How do you feel about your 4-H experiences?► How will your 4-H experiences help you in your future plans?
Section #3
Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 500 words.    
Project Knowledge and Skills (4 Points) *
Identify up to four areas of content/project knowledge you have learned in your 4-H project.  Describe what you have learned and how you learned it.  
Section #4
Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 500 words.    
Use of Project Knowledge and Skills ( 4 Points) *
Describe how you have used content knowledge you have learned (from one or more areas identified in the previous question) in your own 4-H project. Also describe how you plan to use content knowledge learned in your project in your future outside of 4-H.
Section #5
Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 500 words.      
Life Skills (4 Points) *
Choose four life skills from the diagram included in this application (one each of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) and describe how you have learned or developed each life skill through your 4-H project.
Section #6
Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 500 words.      
Use of Life Skills (4 Points) *
Describe how you have used any life skill (from the diagram) in your own 4-H project. Also describe how you plan to use any life skill (from the diagram) in your future outside of 4-H.
Section #7
For the following questions, list information about your overall 4-H experiences. Information does not have
to relate to the award area for which you wish to be recognized. Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 500 words.    
Leadership Experiences (4 Points) *
Identify up to three 4-H leadership experiences you have had and describe their significance to your personal growth and development.
Section #8
For the following questions, list information about your overall 4-H experiences. Information does not have
to relate to the award area for which you wish to be recognized. Be sure to use a word processing program to type out your story and then copy and paste it into the box below. Maximum 500 words.    
Community Service/Citizenship Experiences (4 Points) *
Identify up to three 4-H citizenship or community service experiences you have had and describe their significance to you and your community.
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