CWNY Gardening and Sustainability Workshop Series
Fort Totten Park
207 Totten Avenue
Fort Totten, NY 11359

Program type: in-person gardening and sustainability workshops

Dates and times:

· Every Thursday starting February 13th
· 10:00–11:30 a.m.
Instructor: Patricia Griffin Yoon 
  • Thursday, February 13th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Planning the Garden" - It's that time of year! Let's begin to plan our garden for 2025! We will discuss seeding, annual & perennials & heirloom/organic seeds!
  • Thursday, February 20th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Seed Swap" - Bring in your organic or heirloom non-GMO seeds and let's swap with each other! It's a seed exchange, we will discuss seed origin, how many days to germination and why seed exchanges began!
  • Thursday, February 27th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Geology of Long Island/Queens" - Guest Speaker, Mr. Namshik Yoon will discuss the make-up of the soils in our area through a PowerPoint demonstration. Mr. Yoon is a former NYC Park Ranger & NYC High School Earth Science Teacher.
  • Thursday, March 6th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Getting our Garden Tools Ready" - From sharpening to oiling, our garden tools require care. We will be demonstrating proper care techniques for our hand trowels to shovels and spades.
  • Thursday, March 13th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Beginning the Garden" - Planning a garden is the most important task! From spacing to soil needs, sunlight and knowing your growing zone, these are the basics for any gardener.
  • Thursday, March 20th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Spring Equinox" - Let's celebrate the Vernal Equinox which marks the beginning of Spring for the Northern Hemisphere. Characterized by nearly equal lengths of day and night. From folklore to various plant lore, Spring is here!
  • Thursday, March 27th @ 10 - 11:30 AM: "Planting Cold Weather Plants/Seeds" - Plants such as spinach, radish, peas, lettuce and broccoli can be sown or planted directly in the garden as soon as the soil is workable.
· Members $5/session
· Non-Members $10/session

Our programs and services are possible because of the support of our members and friends. After receiving your registration, we will invite you to become a member and make a voluntary donation.

Thank you in advance for joining us. Enjoy the workshops!
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