Nomination Form
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Who would you like to nominate for office? *
What office would you like to nominate them for? *
Where do you want them to run for office? (Please enter the closest City and State where they would run) *
Enter your name, if you want them to know who nominated them! If you want it to be a secret, you can leave this blank.
Please enter your candidate's email address, so that we can send them your nomination!

(We need their email to tell them about the nomination, and to provide any additional support or resources. But we will only continue to email them with their permission.)
What is it about your nominee, that makes you so excited about them? (We won't share this with them -- but we encourage you to tell them yourself!) *
What is your email? (To make decisions about support for your candidate, we will follow up with a few more questions.) *
Thank you so much for nominating a great candidate!
And Happy Nomination Day!
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