Collegiate Committee Application
Theta Phi Alpha is forming a committee to ensure that the Grand Council works together with the collegiate members in moving our organization forward.  

Duties include:
  1. Ensure collegian representation on National Committees.  
  2. Provide feedback on the student experience to the Grand Council
  3. Meet monthly as a committee.
  4. Other duties as assigned.

Theta Phi Alpha is looking for a diverse candidate pool, varying levels of familiarity with our current National Constitution & Bylaws, policies and rituals, effective communication skills, among other things.

If you know of a member who may fit well please share this application with them.
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Email *
Name *
Legal First, Last Name at Initiation, Current Last Name if Different
Preferred Name
If different than above
Preferred Pronouns *
Phone Number
Please indicate if cell or home (Example:  Home 123-456-7890); if no phone, please indicate
Current State of Residence *
If residing outside of the United States, indicate country and region (Example: Ontario, Canada)
Chapter of Initiation *
Please list your current involvement in Theta Phi Alpha (positions/committees) and your college/university involvement (student groups). *
Please describe your workload outside of campus (ie. job or other responsibilities). *
Describe opportunities you have had to use communication skills and to work collaboratively. *
Why are you interested in serving on this committee and what could you bring to the team? *
What are three areas the committee should focus on?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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