PLES Falcon Flock RSVP
We are looking forward to you joining us for our upcoming virtual Falcon Flock meeting on Thursday February 2, 2023 from 2:00-2:45 pm.  Please fill out the information below to RSVP. Please let us know any topics that you would like to discuss in our upcoming meetings.  

-Do you have any questions about the Gifted and Talented Program?
-Do you have any questions about state or local assessments? (ex: MCAP, MAP, CoGat)
-Do you know who to reach out to if you have questions about these topics?
-Do you have any questions about upcoming Math Conferences?

It could be helpful to have a space and materials to take notes :)

Estamos encantados de verlos este jueves, 2 de febrero de 2:00 a 2:45pm en nuestra reunión virtual de Falcon Flock .
Por favor llene la información abajo para dejarnos saber que viene. Déjenos saber qué temas desea que se discutan en las siguientes reuniones.

-¿Tiene preguntas acerca del Programa Superdotados y Talentosos (G/T)?
-¿Tiene preguntas acerca de los exámenes estatales o del condado?
-¿Sabe con quién comunicarse si tiene preguntas acerca de estos temas?
-¿Tiene preguntas acerca de las conferencias de matemáticas?
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Email *
1. Parent First and Last Name * *
2.First and Last Names of Child(ren) at PLES *
3. Grade Level of Child(ren) at PLES *
3. What are some topics you would like to discuss at an upcoming Falcon Flock meeting? * *
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