Castro Community Meeting Room (501 Castro Street) New Meeting Application Form
If you would like to host a meeting at the Castro Community Meeting Room (CCMR) located above the Bank of America building at 501 Castro Street, please complete all required questions.  We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.  There is no need to fill out this application to attend any of our current meetings.  
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Email *
Castro Community Meeting Room at 501 Castro Street
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Your Meeting Name *
Are you a community group or non-profit organization? *
What is the name of your organization?   *
Was your meeting previously held at the CCMR?  We will do our best to give preference to returning meetings, but as our schedule requires some major changes, we cannot guarantee your previous day/time.   *
How often does your meeting happen? *
What day of the week is your meeting? *
What time would you like your meeting?  Please list your top three preferred time slots.  (for example:  1st choice 3pm, 2nd choice 3:30pm, 3rd choice 4:00pm)  Meetings will have 15 minutes before and after for setup and cleanup.  (a 3-4pm meeting will have access to the room from 2:45-4:15pm) *
What else should we know about your meeting?  
Groups are required to fill out and sign a user agreement before using the room.  That form will need to be renewed at the end of each year.  A meeting representative will be required to attend a walk through of the space and individual orientation before your meeting starts.   Each meeting will have 15 minutes before and after to setup and clean up. If the attendees for your meeting do not follow all of the policies and procedures in our user agreement, you may lose the privilege to hold your meeting at the CCMR.  The room's availability and our rules may change as information comes from the Department of Public Health and CDC.  You may email with any questions regarding this application or our meeting requirements.   *
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