Nomination Period: January 1st, 2024 - June 1st, 2024
Magazine Release Date: September 1st, 2024
Contact us at writerslifemag@gmail.com

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Writer's Life Magazine Presents
Full Name *
Email *
Website or Portfolio Link  *
Briefly describe your achievements and contributions in your field: *
How do you believe your work has made a significant impact in your industry or community? *
Please provide links or samples of your work that showcase your talent and accomplishments: *
How do you envision this feature in Writer's Life Magazine benefitting your career or goals? *
Have you been recognized or awarded for your work previously? If yes, please provide details: *
Please Provide Your Supporting Material (Photos, brief biography, previous relevant press coverage, testimonials, social media profiles, and any other supporting material you would like to submit to further demonstrate your qualifications for the 50 Under 50 recognition. *
Are you willing to pay the $75 non-refundable submission fee ? Pay Now *
Do you understand if your nomination is selected for a 50 Under 50 feature, the remaining $200 registration fee will be due to secure your half page magazine spotlight feature? *
How did you hear about the 50 Under 50 nomination opportunity? *
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