MHPL                                                                                                                                                            Incident Report
Director: Shasta Hochstrasser                                                                                                               208-587-4716                                                                                                                                                       790 North 10th East                                                                                                                        Mountain Home, Idaho 83647
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Date of incident: *
Time of Incident: *
Reporting parties name & contact information: *
Staff members present:
Where on Library grounds did the incident occur?
Were there minors involved?
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Minor's name(s) & Parent/ Guardian name(s) & contact information if known:
Persons involved, name(s) & contact information if known:
Incident type (please select all that apply):
Nature of the problem?                                                                                                                                        
Clearly and in detail, explain what happened to the best of your knowledge. This should include what led up to the event and what happened immediately afterward.
Were Police or Emergency Services called?
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Staff action taken:
Are you a current member of MHPL staff? *
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this incident report. We appreciate your assistance.
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