CECC 📢 ENROLL NOW! (2024-25)
Hello Parents & Guardians,
Thank you for expressing your interest in joining the Cortelyou Family! Please fill out our short information request form and our office will get back to you as soon as possible.

- Preschool Program
- 3-K & Pre-K Program
- Elementary School Program (K-5th Grade)
- After School Program
- Summer Camp Program

In the meantime, please visit our website for more details (www.mycecc.com).

Thank you,
CECC Administration
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Parents Name *
Child Name *
Phone Number
Setting Your Family Up For Success!
Program Selection
Please indicate your area of interest.
Cortelyou Academy Program
CECC / Cortelyou Academy Program (We typically receive about 5-6 applications for every available space over the slots requesting) *
Preschool Program
How did you hear about our school? *
Select all that apply.
We're looking forward to meeting your family!
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