Paper to be added to the EuroMicropH website
Please provide the following information if you want to have your paper displayed on the website of our COST action.

There are two lists of publications present on the website. Please see below a detailed description of the two catagories:
1.EuroMicropH publications
2.Associated publications

1.EuroMicropH publications
This is the list of papers published under the framework of the EuroMicropH-COST Action CA18113. A paper qualifies for this list if 1)  this paper is a collaboration of at least two EuroMicropH partners from two different member countries,  if 2) the content of this publication is in line with the overall objective of the action and  if, 3) in the acknowledgements of your manuscripts the following statement is printed:

“The work of authors_name(s) was done within the framework of EuroMicropH-COST Action CA18113”.

2.Associated publications
The following articles have been published by partners of the EuroMicropH COST action and contain relevant information for the EuroMicropH community.

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Journal (full name no abbreviation)
All authors of the paper (FirstName Surname, FirstName Surname ...)
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