Students We Want to Hear From You!
Do you have experiences surrounding your identity at school? Do any of these experiences revolve around you being or "looking" Muslim? Do you feel comfortable in your school to express your Muslim identity? Do you feel as though your school is accommodating and inclusive to you as a Muslim? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

CAIR Philadelphia invites you to participate in our school experience survey seeking to produce data points on the experiences of Muslim students within their schools/ school districts.

Please include any experiences you would like to report (both positive and negative). After providing your experiences please be sure to leave your contact information.

Two main goals of this survey: 

(1) To collect experiences  - Reporting is important! Even if you do not want anything posted we encourage you to submit experiences to help us learn what Muslim students are currently experiencing

(2) Social media campaign -  Its time for our voices to be heard, Muslim students face several challenges and experiences (positive and negative) while in school and often times not many people know what challenges even exist. Our goal is to start to get these stories out there so that we can continue to advocate for the changes we want to see within our districts - but... that doesn't happen without learning from YOU!

For questions, please contact Asiyah Jones at 

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Share your experiences (positive or negative) about your school experience *
Name *
School Name
What grade are you going to (2024-2025)
Email *
Phone Number
Can we contact you to follow up?
A part of our goal is to publicize the experiences of Muslim Students in PA. Before posting anything we will reach out to get your permission and any further details. 
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