Download a Fundraising pack
Thank you for deciding to fundraise for Changes Bristol, we're really grateful that you've chosen us as your charity to raise money on behalf of. You may have an event in mind or are still thinking about what to do, either way, register below and we will send you your fundraising pack.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Telephone number
Fundraising Event you're taking part in *
If you haven't chosen an event, or it's personal, please just add some details on what you would like to do
Sponsorship target *
Select your Changes Bristol top
We have t-shirts and vests for sports events as well as cotton tops for normal fundraising events. Only one top can be chosen.
Sports t-shirt
Sports vest
Cotton top
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Address line 1
Address line 2
If you don't mind telling us, what is the reason you chose to fundraise for Changes Bristol?
Receive our monthly e-newsletter which includes news about mental wellbeing, our services and ways to get involved
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Please select what areas you'd like to hear about
From time to time Changes Bristol would like to contact you to let you know about our work, and how you can get involved. You can get in touch to opt-out or change your preferences at any time. We will not pass on your details to third parties. Should you prefer not to receive this information we will only contact you in regards to this event you have signed up for. Please tick the appropriate boxes to receive occasional emails about this area.
Liability *
Changes Bristol can accept no liability for individuals taking part in this event. The organisers will take all necessary precautions against accidents, but in signing up I am aware that I am responsible for myself and my actions.
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