Are you appealing the decision made by the campus to place your student in DAEP? *
my name is Jatoia Chizer I would like to a appeal the decision with sending my daughter Jacqueline Thomas to dap due to the fact this been an ongoing situation. My daughter has tried her best to avoid the situations I myself even went to higher authority to try to de-escalate the situation with the young ladies constantly bullying my daughter while she's at school trying to get her education or while she's at home Trying to enjoy my family this is not a normal situation no child should have to go to school worried about getting picked on and bullied or someone wants to fight her when she just wants to get her education sometime I don't feel like giving up going to school because of all the drama at the school these girls are currently telling her to leave Galveston move out of Galveston I watched my daughter Cry all weekend long about this situation and nothing is being done about it I would like to appeal this Decision because it's not fair to my daughter for Delfina herself while she is in fear for her life I'm afraid my daughter we have to go to counseling now due to poor bullying this has took a toll on her mental state and her nervous system
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