Gyan Ganga 28 Nov 2021                                   Turkey Special
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1. Istanbul spans two continents – Europe and Asia. It is a city divided  by the Bosphorus River. You can walk between the two across the Galata bridge. Only 3% of Turkey is in Europe, the vast majority of the country is on the Asian  continent.The city was given this name in 1930. What was it previously known as
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2. The historical figure behind the man we know as Santa Claus – was born in Patara, Turkey in around 300 AD. A holy man, people believe he performed many miracles in his lifetime, including saving sailors from sinking ships. St Nicholas also became one of the patron saints of sailors. The name Santa Claus comes from the  name 'Sinter Klaas', a shortened version of Sint Nikolaas. In which language is it  
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3. While Holland is famous for this flowers , they  were first cultivated in the Ottoman Empire. The Dutch ambassador to the 16th-century court of Süleyman the Magnificent of Turkey took them to Amsterdam . In April there is a week-long festival in Istanbul which honours the national flower.  Which is it
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4. Tünel underground Railway in Istanbul is the second oldest operational underground railway in the world. It was opened in 1875, after the first Underground which opened in 1863. Which city has the first underground    
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5.  This city was  centre of the resistance movement against both the  government of the Ottoman sultan and the invading Greek forces.  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish nationalist leader, declared it  the capital of Turkey in 1923.Which is the city
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6. Turkey has  the highest per Capita consumption of which item in the world
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7.  It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built as a Christian church in the 6th century. In subsequent centuries it  became a mosque, a museum, and a mosque again. It has the the minarets and inscriptions of Islam as well as the lavish mosaics of Christianity. Name it
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8.Turquoise is a  gemstone which has a color named after it. The word turquoise dates to the 17th century and is derived from the French turquois meaning "Turkish" because  
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9. Turkey is famous for producing these nuts. It is said to have  a market share of 70 % of global production.  Which is it
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10.The “Nazar boncuğu” is a stone made from molten glass, iron and copper. A 3000-year old tradition, it is worn to protect the wearer from evil forces. The belief is that the blue colour of the stone has the power to shield from negative energy. What is it commonly known as
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