Colombo University - Faculty of Science Alumni Association of North America (CUFSAA-NA)- Consider Becoming a Volunteer – Sign Up

We would love to have you involved with CUFSAA-NA and support our projects and activities. We can surely use your talent. This would be an awesome opportunity for you to give back to your alma mater and help students, staff, and faculty at the University of Colombo.

Let us know your areas of interest. We will get back to you soon with updates upon receiving this form.

Here is the link to the Survey to pass along to your contacts:

Thank you for your support!

CUFSAA-NA Executive Committee

[Expected time to complete the survey is less than 5 minutes.]
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Your First Name *
2. Your Last Name *
3. Your Preferred Email Address *
4. Your Alternate Email Address (if any)
5. Your Preferred Phone Number
Please include area code and type. e.g. (330) 123-4567 (Home).
6. Your Alternate Phone Number
Please include area code and type. e.g. (330) 123-4567 (Mobile).
7. Your Postal Address
Please provide full postal address which is preferred, but optional.
8. Your State/Province of Residence *
9. Your Country of Residence *
10. Volunteer Preference Area *
Please tell us the areas you prefer to volunteer. If not listed, Choose Other and enter your areas.
11. Additional Remarks
[Please share any other ideas, comments, suggestions on how CUFSAA-NA can improve its services to students, faculty, and staff of the Science Faculty, UoC. We also welcome your suggestions to improve interaction and networking among alumni in North America]
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