Douglas County HS - Gifted Identification Referral Form - Consent to Evaluate, Parent/Guardian Survey & Student Survey
If you would like to initiate the GIFTED IDENTIFICATION process for your child, please complete this form.  Be advised, you will need approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete the entire document.  There is not a way to save your progress in this form.  You need to be ready with your child to fill it out.

At the end of this form there is a section for the student to complete.  Please have them take their time as they answer these questions.  If your child is not old enough to type, please transcribe their responses for them.

Once this form is complete and submitted, your school's Gifted Education Facilitator will be notified.  They will then gather additional necessary evidence/data to complete the process.  

Your facilitator will be in touch with you within 30 school days of receipt of this referral to update you on the process.

*If you are a student nominating yourself, fill out the referral portion of the form and the student survey.  Please ask your parents/guardians to fill out the parent survey only.

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