Register Now for Fall Men's Softball '24 with Catholic Softball Group ($65)


We are bringing back our men's league again this fall! Play fall softball, make new friends, and grow in faith every Monday night with CSG.

- You can register a team or sign up individually.  
- $650 per team (manager will need to submit roster before start of season)
- $65 individual (you will be placed on a team)
-  Cost covers field rental, bats, balls, umps, insurance. CSG makes no profit.
- All Skill levels welcome!  No experience needed.  Talent ranges from beginner up to advanced.
- Maximum 12 men per team.

When & Where:
- Monday nights, 9-week double-headers (back-to-back) + 1 week of playoffs. Season starts August 5 and ends October 14, pending weather.  No games on September 2nd.
- Tentative Game times: 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm (the expectation is that you will be available from 6pm to 10:15pm every Monday!)
- Games played at Pioneer Park in Little Canada or McKnight Field in North St Paul ( depending on the number of teams)

What else?
- Players head to the VFW in Roseville, our local bar and sponsor, after games.

- If you have any questions, visit our FAQs page ( or email

God Bless!

* Financial assistance available. Please contact us.
- Catholic Softball Group
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Email *
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: 11:59pm on Friday, July 26, 2024
Register as a individual or team *
Name: *
Have you played with CSG before? *
Are you willing to pitch or learn to pitch? *
Would you be interested in managing a team? (for individual registrants only)
Clear selection
Team Name (for team registration only)
Expectations/Understandings (please check all): *
Payment ($65 individual, $650 team)
I paid ($65 individual, $650 team) using: *
Venmo handle (in case of a refund) 
Do you have a question or comment?
I understand (please check): *
Registering does not necessarily guarantee you a spot, but in most cases it will (it depends on the final number of registrants). If we cannot place you on a team then you will be notified and refunded before the start of week 2 of the regular season (due to players who may drop). If you are placed on a team, no refunds given after teams are announced. In the spirit of creating the most balanced teams (thereby increasing the most fun for everyone), if you are a new CSG player and registration has maxed out, priority will be given to those who attend potential practices regardless of when you registered. Photos taken during the season may be shared by CSG via social media, website and other means. Please let us know if you're uncomfortable having your photo (or video) used for this purpose.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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