Baptism Inquiry
Please fill out an inquiry if you are interested in being baptized with St. Stephen's Church.  For parents interested in bringing their child or children for baptism, please complete a separate inquiry for each child.  A member of the church staff will follow up with you and provide additional information about our process for baptism.
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Candidate for Baptism Full Name: *
Candidate Date of Birth: *
Candidate's City / Town of Birth *
Parents' Names: *
Best E-mail address: *
Best Phone Number: *
Address: *
We are... *
We have invited the following people to serve as Godparents to our child.
Infants and children have Godparents who commit to share in the responsibility for a child's growth in Christian faith and life, helping parents raise a child in the knowledge and love of God.  Infants and children may have up to three Godparents.  Married couples may serve together as Godparents to a child. Leave this answer blank if you would like more information about the ministry of Godparents.

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