Registration for Gamelan Chandra Natha
Spring Season: January 13 - April 27, 2020

Gamelan Chandra Natha is the Balinese gamelan ensemble at the University of Georgia’s Hugh Hodgson School of Music. Chandra Natha is open to both adults and children in grades 4 and up.  

***There is NO COST to join the ensemble. This is an entirely free, volunteer ensemble.***

Chandra Natha is currently under the direction of Professor Jean Kidula.  We work closely with master musicians from Bali and host visiting artists for special events.

For more information about the ensemble or upcoming events, please contact:
Professor Jean Kidula | | 706-542-2791  

UGA Students may receive credit for participating in the ensemble by registering for MUSI 4870 or 6870.
All others wishing to join the ensemble should register using this form.

***We ask for a commitment of one season (Jan-April 2020). Feel free to come to one rehearsal before committing, but please register first.***
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Participant's Name *
Phone *
Do you have any known conflicts with any rehearsal dates or times? See and please list any conflicts you know about.  It's ok to miss occasionally, but this helps us to plan rehearsals.
Is the participant under 18? *
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