Registration for the symposium "Can ice be described from first principles?", Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo
The event will take place on March 27-28, 2025 at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The aim of the symposium is to gather scientists to discuss the most exciting advances and challenges in modeling ice and water from first principles to provide a wide range of perspectives.

Confirmed invited speakers include Marivi Fernandez-Serra (Stony Brook, USA), Nicolás Giovambattista (CUNY, USA), Thomas Loerting (Innsbruck, Austria), Christoph Salzmann (UCL, UK),  Georg Kresse (University of Vienna, Austria), Eva Noya (CSIC, Spain), Maurice de Koning (Campinas, Brazil), Guglielmo Mazzola (University of Zurich, Switzerland), Hsin-Yu Ko (University of North Texas, USA), Giada Franceschi (TU Wien, Austria), Sarai Dery (NTNU, Norway), Margaret Berrens (LLNL, USA), Henrik Sveinsson (University of Oslo, Norway), Debdas Dhabal (IIT Guwahati, India), Nore Stolte (Bochum, Germany), and others.

We will host a poster session. Please let us know below if you are planning to present a poster.

The deadline for registration is March 1, 2025.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Oslo!

The organizers
Sigbjørn Bore (University of Oslo, Norway) and Pablo Piaggi (nanoGUNE and Ikerbasque, Spain)
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