Become a TOP Guidelines Signatory
Journal signatories are:

1) Expressing their support of the principles of openness, transparency, and reproducibility
2) Expressing interest in the guidelines and commit to conducting a review within a year of the standards and levels for potential adoption

Organization signatories are:

1) Expressing their support of the principles of openness, transparency, and reproducibility
2) If relevant, encouraging associated journals to conduct a review of the standards and levels for potential adoption.

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Your full name *
Are you signing on behalf of a journal, organization (e.g. a society or funding agency), or both? *
Your journal or organization *
Your title
Your email address *
Authorization Confirmation *
Support of principles and commitment to action *
Comments or special instructions (optional)
Further information
If you have any questions or comments, please contact David Mellor at the Center for Open Science (
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