6 sample Passing Quiz
Online Coaching
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watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
1 What is a good pass? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
2 What is the most important element during Centreback passing from the back? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
3 What is penetration pass? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
4 Rightback upon receiving possession, what is the best pass in attacking play? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
5 Why quick passing combination and speed of passing important in attacking play? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
6 What is the most important pass in attacking play? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
7 What is definition of a good pass? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
8 Centre Midfield have plenty of passing options, what is the best passing options in attacking play? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
9 Why passing and movement vital in attacking play? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
10 When attacking midfield receive the ball, near opponent goal, what is the best pass? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
11 Why passing in opponent half need to be with pace and accuracy, movement and finding space? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
12 What is the best pass for winger in attacking play? *
10 分
watch video in Landscape view if you are using mobile phone
13 Striker passing in attacking play.... *
10 分
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