Holiday Show Registration

Saturday, December 17th from 4:45 - 6:45 pm

Song Length:  Must be between 1:30 - 2:10

Registration Fee:  $15 will be added to your ICE+ account

Digital Music:  Send to

Registration & Music Deadline:  Saturday, December 10th

Skaters in any SFSC membership category may participate in the show. Skaters can choose to do a solo, duet, or form a small group with friends, but may participate in only one number (with the exception of the Bronze Clinic skaters). Holiday/winter songs are popular, but not necessary.  

Our Annual Bake Sale and Basket Raffle will be available before and during the show. Basket Raffle winners will be announced at the end of the show.

 For questions please email Miki Graban or Kate Bulek

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