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The bridge, which enables a road to pass underanother obstruction is known as [KPWD : 2019]
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A cantilever beam ‘A’ with rectangular cross section is subjected to a concentrated loadat its free end. If width and depth of another cantilever beam ‘B’ are twice that of beam ‘A’, then the deflection at free end of the beam ‘B’as compared to that of ‘A’ will be [KPWD : 2019]
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IRC loading is given in code book [KPWD : 2019]
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The state of plane stress at a point is given by αₓ = 200 MPa, αᵧ = 100 MPa and 𝜏ₓᵧ = 100 MPa,the maximum shear stress is [KPWD : 2019]
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A Mohr’s circle reduces to a point when the body is subjected to [KPWD : 2019]
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High COD/BOD in waste water represents [KPWD : 2019]
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The Hazen-William formula to calculate theflow velocity in pipe is [KPWD : 2019]
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The ratio of flow through period to the detentionperiod in settling tank is called [KPWD : 2019]
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The aeration time in the aeration tank of activated sludge process is [KPWD : 2019]
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As per IRC the maximum Axle load shall not exceed [KPWD : 2019]
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The Navabrahma Temple is located at
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If it rains, I _______ an umbrella
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Find the missing term in the following series: 0,2, 6, 6, 12, 20, 30, ?, 56
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3745 ÷ 24.05 x 17.98 = ?
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The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) recently lifted the one-year ban imposed on which Indian boxer?
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