Coaching Application with Julia Woods

I love that you want to grow your marriage through coaching calls.

I am passionate about helping spouses take responsibility for the marriages they want.

My coaching program is for individuals or couples who are ready to take full responsibility for their contributions to what isn't working and choose what is needed to create the results they long for. 

It will require intention, time (about 1-2 hours per week), and commitment. 

This means coaching is not for everyone, which is why I have created an application process. 

I want to make sure this is a good fit for you and I can guarantee you will get the results you long for. 

Once you submit your application, I will review it and respond through email within 72 hours with next steps. 

If your application is approved, I will let you know an estimated date as to when I will have an opening in my schedule for you. And if your application is not approved, it simply means there are some smaller steps I will ask you take first in order to be ready for the commitment level that coaching requires.

If you are ready to step into being the kind of partner it takes to create a life giving marriage, please complete the application below.

Your New Relationship Bestie,


Email *
Your Name:
Your Cell Phone #:
Is your spouse or partner wanting to join the coaching calls with you? *
If you answered yes above please share their name and the email address they are using on their coaching application so we can connect your applications. *
How did you hear about coaching with me? (i.e. social media, YouTube, podcast, a friend or family member (please share the name of who referred you.)) *
What's currently working in my marriage is...
What isn't working is...
What are you aware of that you are currently contributing to what's not working in your marriage? *
What transformation are you ready to produce in your marriage is? *
When a spot opens up, which coaching package are you most interested in?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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