BarSides Fire Talks Sign Up Sheet
BarSides hosts monthly fire talks on the first Tuesday of each month at 8PM ET on any topic you think is relevant.  The fire talks are 10 to 15 minute long talks with a brief question and answer session at the end.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is the title of your talk? *
Which month would you prefer to deliver your talk? (Fire talks are the first Tuesday of each month) *
How long is your talk? *
How would you like to deliver your talk? *
What do you prefer to be called? (Name/nickname/pseudonym) *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
What is your discord name on the BarSides discord server? (
What is your twitter handle?
Are you ok with your talk being streamed/recorded? *
Any other information or concerns?
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