EAGxPrague 2025 | Content suggestions 💡
This form is for suggesting speakers for the upcoming EAGxPrague 2025,
which will happen in Czechia in May 9-11.

  • Please fill out this form once for every different item of content or speaker/host you would like to propose.
  • Content will be in English.
  • Feel free to suggest yourself as a speaker!

  • If you want to submit a longer list or write-up, email us at prague@eaglobalx.org.

    This form does not guarantee that a content suggestion will be included in the conference, nor that each entry will receive a response.  Unfortunately, due to time constraints we will only respond to submissions to this form if we are interested in running your session or finding out more, apologies for this. However, we're grateful for submissions to this form, and we monitor form responses regularly. 
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    What or who do you want to recommend?
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    This form was created inside of Spolek pro efektivnĂ­ altruismus.

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