Simmons Student Organization Career Program Request Form 2022-2023
Thank you for your interest in collaborating with the Career Education Center to host a career program! Our Coaching Staff can deliver a workshop/information session/drop-ins for your group! Please fill out the form below and CEC staff will respond shortly. We kindly ask for at least 1 months notice prior to a workshop. Thank you!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Your Position (e.g. president, treasurer, member, Faculty Advisor, etc.) *
Student Organization *
Contact Phone Number *
Workshop Requested For... *
Title/Topic of the Event (if you have one already)
For what class years are you making the request? Check all that apply. *
Will the program be open to all Simmons students (ie. Students outside of your organization too)? *
Will your event be virtual or in-person? (If on campus, your group will be responsible for reserving space, technology and securing any decorations you would like). *
Expected Number of Attendees *
Describe how you plan to advertise this event. Your group will take the lead for marketing and promoting the event. (CEC will also support your marketing) *
Topic Requested (*Please be aware of the timing estimate listed next to each topic, and be mindful of the time allotted for your program) *
Customize workshop (particular focus, goals) - Explain:
Preferred dates of workshop (1st Choice)* *
Preferred dates of workshop (2nd Choice)* *
Preferred dates of workshop (3rd Choice)* *
Check off the services your group will utilize. *Please note, your group will be responsible for connecting with these respective offices on campus and requesting assistance at least 2-4 weeks prior to your event.
Please provide a few dates and times for an initial conversation with the coaching team about planning for this event. *
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