SPoP fan convention interest survey!!
Because no one else is gonna make space for us if we don't do it ourselves! ----- (Email collection is to prevent bot attacks, to allow you to change your answers later, and to make sure we can send you updates on what comes next!)
Who's asking?
This survey is being conducted by a small group of brainstormers who really want to make something great to bring the community together again, including:

Tara Stark (@TaraBrainrots)
Scorch (@xtitan_1)
Sathroe (@Sathroe)

Your email will only be associated with answers regarding a desire to volunteer or present so that we can contact you for further info, everything else will be anonymized before review.
This survey isn't a guarantee that there will even BE a convention, whether it will be live with streaming or all-virtual, or that any of the ideas here will come to fruition, but if ANY of it is gonna happen, we wanna hear what you want to see. Please answer the following questions as best you can and share as widely as you can with other fans!
(Here's an easy link you can use to share: http://tiny.cc/spopevent)
I am interested in attending SPOP con: *
Your Age: *
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