Thank you for your interest in Genesee Valley Audubon Society (GVAS) Birding by car: Short-Eared Owl Nations Road in Avon, Saturday, January 11th at 3:00pm until dark. Everyone is welcome. Participants will caravan looking for target species of short-eared owls and Northern Harriers from the warmth of our vehicles, with short stops along roadsides. Be sure to dress for the weather. Binoculars will enhance your enjoyment. We will meet in the Tops parking lot at 270 E Main Street in Avon (Rte 5&20). Park in the lot near the road.
Pre-registration by Wednesday, January 8th is required. For questions or concerns contact June Summers at 355-1824
Please be sure to register anyone that you will be bringing with you to this event separately as they will need to complete separate liability forms. Make sure to hit the submit button after answering the last question. We will contact you in the very rare occasion that the event needs to be cancelled. Note that GVAS rarely cancels an event due to weather unless there is a road closure or threat of imminent lightening. We understand that things come up and sometimes you need to cancel. If you know beforehand that you won’t be able to make it, please email June at to let her know. If you need to cancel at the last minute, or you need driving or parking clarification call 355-1824, the morning of the walk.