The Turing Way Book Dash - Call for Local Hub Hosts
We are extending the deadline for another week, till the 08 September, but please let us know ASAP if you intend to apply - this will help the committee. 

The Turing Way invites you to submit your interest for organising an in-person event during the next Book Dash, which will take place from 13-17 November 2023. The deadline for submission is 08 September 2023.

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling-basis -- early engagement with The Turing Way team will allow them to provide appropriate support at the planning stage.

This form is to evaluate interest and help understand what your needs might be to host a local hub.

NOTE: This form is to express interest in hosting local events during the Book Dash week. Upon review, applicants will receive more information from The Turing Way team, who will guide local hosts in their organisational work on a case-by-case basis.

For further details, please email Alexandra Araujo Alvarez (


The primary host/coordinator of the local hub will be invited to join the Book Dash Planning Committee.

We are also collecting expression of interest from returning Book Dash members to join the Book Dash Planning Committee.


Call for application for the Book Dash will open after the committee is in place.

To learn more about the Book Dash and the application process, check out the Book Dash section in our Community Handbook:


What is a local hub?

A local hub is an in-person, hybrid, or remote event linked to the virtual Book Dash event, taking place in the week of 13-17 November 2023. 

What is required to host a local hub?

Local hub hosts are encouraged to organise events for 1-2 days maximum, particularly for in-person events.

You would need approval from your host organisation to host the local hub, a venue for the local attendees to work together and some helpers who can help with the local logistics. You are also encouraged to look for

The Turing Way team will help provide support for planning (templates, consulting, social media announcements), budget for catering during the event and limited expenses related to local travel and accommodation to the hub for participants based outside the city if needed (subjected to pre-approval). Please contact The Turing Way team about the support possibilities.


I have other questions! Where should I ask clarifying questions before I send my application?
You can write to The Turing Way core staff members by emailing
You can also Join us at Collaboration Cafe on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, 15:00-17:00 UK time (in your timezone). The Turing Way Community Manager hosts these calls and provide space for Q&A in the main Zoom room where you can ask question about the application process. Here, you also can meet other members of the community, and learn more about their work.

All attendees are required to follow our Code of Conduct:
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We need to store your e-mail address to contact you. The information provided in this form will be shared only with The Turing Way Core Staff team and the current Book Dash Committee to help them review your application fairly. These details will be stored in a Google Drive that core Turing Way team members have access to. The servers are based in the USA. You can ask for your e-mail address or any information to be removed from our database at any time. If you have any questions please contact us by emailing Please select the "I understand and I accept" option before proceeding.
Have you attended a Book Dash before? *
Would you like to join the Book Dash review and planning committee for this event?
We encourage at least one representative of a local hub of The Turing Way Book Dash join the planning committee. They will take on advisory and leading roles for Book Dash events in 2023 and facilitate communications between the hub event and the online engagement.

Depending on willingness, availability and interest, membership could include: application review, selection process, organisational meetings, session hosting, mentorship and/or accessibility-related support. Hosting a hub is sufficient for membership of the committee, you do not need to take on additional responsibilities outside of the coordinating meetings.

If you are interested in joining the Book Dash Planning Committee please complete this form by 22 July 2023:

Later applications for local hub leads will be reviewed as they arrive. Please email after you would like to complete the form after the deadline.
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